Another Decade Gone By…

Another decade of life on this water-covered planet has passed by. Millions of lives have entered the world, and millions have left. Tears have been shed, outrage has been expressed. Things nobody thought would happen have come to pass, and everyone has had three thousand, six hundred fifty days of experience in their life. Shocking events that people would wish had never happened have occurred. Global warming is now being targeted as a threat by more people than ever before. The war in Afghanistan rages on, and the world is becoming a haven of technology. Humans are forgetting basic parts of survival, like self-control. People have become targets of hatred, due to their actions.

Life goes on, an (effectively) endless circle. Millions of years have past, and so millions will come.

Life expectancy is increasing, technology is advancing, civilization covers the land, for better or for worse.

Everyone has learned much in this decade, from practice, word of mouth, or by reading it. Theories have been broken, theories have been proven.

Another decade of our lives is gone forever, and we should move on without regrets. Regret will hamper you in the decades to come, so do not regret your actions. Acknowledge your mistakes, but do not dwell on them. We have seen many new things in this decade; let it be so for many more to come.

Happy New Years, everyone. Sorry for the lack of posts and this being so sappy.

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